Welcome! We invite you to join us for worship.

Sunday morning worship begins at 10 a.m.. The choir practices before worship beginning at about 9:30 a.m. and a prayer group meets in the lounge at 9:15 a.m.; some arrive early to listen to the choir rehearse.
When to arrive
Most people arrive between 9:45 and 10:00 a.m..
Where do I go?
As you come in the front door, take the stairs up to the left, or the elevator. A greeter at the top of the stairs will welcome you into the Narthex. (Narthex is a fancy word for the spacious foyer before the room where we worship).

In the Narthex
There are coat racks, brochure racks, washrooms off to the right, and a small table with crayons and activity pages for the children. Read the electronic message board for information about upcoming events or announcements.
Ready for service
An usher will hand you a bulletin as you enter the sanctuary through one of three doors. Have a seat wherever you like. Cushions are scattered around the pews—feel free to find one you like. The order of worship is marked in the bulletin. When to stand is marked with an asterisk *. The sanctuary is a simple, elegant design from 1960. A large cross at the front and a number of banners made by church members adorn the walls.
There are coat racks, brochure racks, washrooms off to the right, and a small table with crayons and activity pages for the children. Read the electronic message board for information about upcoming events or announcements.
Ready for service
An usher will hand you a bulletin as you enter the sanctuary through one of three doors. Have a seat wherever you like. Cushions are scattered around the pews—feel free to find one you like. The order of worship is marked in the bulletin. When to stand is marked with an asterisk *. The sanctuary is a simple, elegant design from 1960. A large cross at the front and a number of banners made by church members adorn the walls.

What about music?
Our music is led by the choir and the Music Leader who plays on piano or organ. Often, a guitarist and a djembe drummer take part as well. Words for songs and prayers are projected onto screens at the front and back of the sanctuary.
Song selection
Our Music Leader chooses a wide variety of music ranging from classic Gospel hymns, to newer hymns, to contemporary choruses.
What to wear?
There is no dress code at Calvin. We find ourselves in “nice” but casual clothes. Some people dress up more formally on special occasions like Christmas and Easter, but shorts are not uncommon in the summer time. See the pictures around our site for examples of what we wear. All is welcome
Our music is led by the choir and the Music Leader who plays on piano or organ. Often, a guitarist and a djembe drummer take part as well. Words for songs and prayers are projected onto screens at the front and back of the sanctuary.
Song selection
Our Music Leader chooses a wide variety of music ranging from classic Gospel hymns, to newer hymns, to contemporary choruses.
What to wear?
There is no dress code at Calvin. We find ourselves in “nice” but casual clothes. Some people dress up more formally on special occasions like Christmas and Easter, but shorts are not uncommon in the summer time. See the pictures around our site for examples of what we wear. All is welcome
For children
Children begin in the sanctuary at the beginning of service. Help yourself to a colouring page and some crayons in the Narthex. Kids are welcome, if their feel comfortable, to come to the front for children’s hymn and children’s time. Children are invited to go downstairs for Sunday School or nursery.
Sunday School
Sunday School is offered for children from Junior Kindergarten (4) to Grade 6 (12). Parents, grandparents or guardians come downstairs to the Sunday School hallway to pick up their children. Once a month, children are included in the whole service and there is no Sunday School. Children always have the option to stay in the service with the adult(s) they came with. Youth aged 12 and up are encouraged to sign up to help with Sunday School or the nursery.
Nursery care is available for infants and toddlers from 6 months to under 4 years. The nursery is downstairs in the Sunday School hallway and is staffed by screened volunteers from about 10:30.a.m. If your child or infant is having difficulty, our hall monitor may bring the child to you. There is also a prayer lounge to the side of the narthex open for mothers with babies or children.
During the summer months, Nursery and Sunday School take place together upstairs in the lounge, just off the right side of the narthex. To give our volunteers a break,, there is no Sunday School or nursery care on the summer long weekends (Canada Day, Civic Holiday and Labour Day).
Length of Service
Worship typically lasts 60-75 minutes. All are invited to join us for coffee, tea, juice, and cookies in Calvin Hall. Calvin Hall is down the stairs from the main entrance and to the right. It’s a great time to get to know people. All are welcome!
Children begin in the sanctuary at the beginning of service. Help yourself to a colouring page and some crayons in the Narthex. Kids are welcome, if their feel comfortable, to come to the front for children’s hymn and children’s time. Children are invited to go downstairs for Sunday School or nursery.
Sunday School
Sunday School is offered for children from Junior Kindergarten (4) to Grade 6 (12). Parents, grandparents or guardians come downstairs to the Sunday School hallway to pick up their children. Once a month, children are included in the whole service and there is no Sunday School. Children always have the option to stay in the service with the adult(s) they came with. Youth aged 12 and up are encouraged to sign up to help with Sunday School or the nursery.
Nursery care is available for infants and toddlers from 6 months to under 4 years. The nursery is downstairs in the Sunday School hallway and is staffed by screened volunteers from about 10:30.a.m. If your child or infant is having difficulty, our hall monitor may bring the child to you. There is also a prayer lounge to the side of the narthex open for mothers with babies or children.
During the summer months, Nursery and Sunday School take place together upstairs in the lounge, just off the right side of the narthex. To give our volunteers a break,, there is no Sunday School or nursery care on the summer long weekends (Canada Day, Civic Holiday and Labour Day).
Length of Service
Worship typically lasts 60-75 minutes. All are invited to join us for coffee, tea, juice, and cookies in Calvin Hall. Calvin Hall is down the stairs from the main entrance and to the right. It’s a great time to get to know people. All are welcome!
We invite you to come join us this Sunday!